Gaining weight is very easy and in last 18 months I gained 8 kilos. Always had excuses of excessive travel, stretched lifestyle, not eating healthy, not enough sleep, no time for exercising and not liking air-conditioned gyms etc… And I kept telling myself… yeah you’re overweight but not so bad… its OK… you still have time till it becomes alarming. Heart in heart I knew my approach was wrong but I was in denial.
It all changed when I got back onto courts around 3 months ago. It was tough. Playing Squash with additional 8 Kilos was proving to be tough to the power of tough. Playing Tennis was no longer fun. And playing Badminton doubles was just about OK. And that started ringing very loud Alarm Bells. Finally I decided to solve the weight problem.
After the initial trials & tribulations… I embarked on a path of exercising through sports or outdoors and going really careful on Food. My grandfather used to say: “no one becomes fat by eating less food”. Made some changes to my diet, made some changes to lifestyle, and made some changes to my attitude. First 45 days were tough & depressing as I couldn’t see any results – and I wanted them in a FastFood fashion – but I didn’t lose my heart & kept trying. Finally the results started showing (slowly & steadily) & I have managed to lose 4 Kilos in last 3 months. Now my target is to step up the momentum & lose another 6 Kilos.
And once that is done… I’m for sure not daring on the Weight Gaining Path again.