Pushkar SaneAugust 1, 2012 LifeAsia’s 10 most popular in Digital Advertising 692 views1 minute read Recently featured in a list of Asia’s 10 most popular people in Digital Advertising. Humbled! 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneApril 3, 2012 MarketingUnboxed & Smarter 699 views1 minute read Recently I was invited to share my views on Future of TV with a senior level media delegation… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneDecember 10, 2011 MarketingFrom Asia with Love 846 views4 minute read Dear Global CMO, Hope you’re well. I’m sure you’re surprised to receive a note from me, as this… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneNovember 1, 2011 LifeDigital Park Bench 856 views1 minute read I recently came across this interesting video narrative (part of Intel Visual Life series) by blogger Scott Schumann,… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 10, 2011 MarketingClickZ column on Demystifying ROI 878 views1 minute read My previous column in ClickZ on Social ROI (Are you in Love or Just doing a Trade?) met… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneMay 19, 2011 MarketingBuilding Brands in a Digitized World 875 views1 minute read Yesterday I took a guest lecture at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology for the students… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneDecember 22, 2010 MarketingChat with Microsoft’s Mel Carson 913 views1 minute read Recently Mel Carson from Microsoft came over our offices and I happen to chat with him on some… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneAugust 30, 2010 ObservationsTraining or Learning 1.0K views1 minute read I was chatting with a set of industry friends on importance of digital. My friends from analogue side… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneOctober 5, 2008 Observationsmy hk 2020 780 views1 minute read Last week Hong Kong Government launched a crowd sourcing initiative called myhk2020. It provides an online platform for… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneSeptember 25, 2008 MarketingEverybody is Digital = Nobody is Serious 942 views2 minute read Digital has been the buzz word of Marketing & Advertising industry for last 24 months. Every tom, dick… 0 Shares 0 0 0