Pushkar SaneMay 31, 2011 ObservationsLists, lists and more stupid lists… 894 views2 minute read Professionals, executives, politicians and even billionaires are obsessed with ‘Lists’. Most magazines publish their own lists of successful… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneOctober 16, 2008 MarketingObama & Social Media 952 views1 minute read My colleague Mauro Ravicini forwarded a very insightful presentation on Obama’s strategy on Social Media. I have been… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneOctober 14, 2008 ObservationsObserving Status Updates 863 views3 minute read I’m keen observer of Status Updates on Social Media & Instant Messaging Platforms. Its always interesting to see… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneOctober 13, 2008 MarketingModernista Website 703 views1 minute read Came across a very website idea by Modernista for their corporate website. Idea of layering corporate information on… 0 Shares 0 0 0
Pushkar SaneOctober 11, 2008 MarketingIndian Ad Industry Captains & Social Media 853 views1 minute read Indian Advertising industry is still deep rooted in TV + Print thinking. Most of the industry captains who… 0 Shares 0 0 0